Judy Collins has long thrilled audiences worldwide with her unique blend of interpretive folksongs and contemporary themes. Her impressive career has spanned more than 50 years and mirrored the social and political forces that have shaped our country. In the 1960’s and 70’s, Collins was involved in numerous civil rights rallies, protests and marches, including traveling to Mississippi to help African Americans register to vote. She performed at rallies protesting the Vietnam War and was arrested several times for her activism. Judy is a UNICEF Special Representative for the Performing Arts and has written numerous songs reflecting her political beliefs. She has been an outspoken advocate for promoting awareness for depression and substance abuse victims, the abolition of landmines, the humpback whale and endangered species, and women’s right to choose what is right for their bodies. She believes the three biggest issues we face today are civil rights, protecting the unions, and health care. At 74, Judy Collins continues to create music of hope and healing and share it with audiences worldwide.